Dating Your Spouse

Always remember before you were Mom + Dad, you were husband and wife. About 3 years ago in the weeds of a baby and toddler Kevin and I quickly realized we started prioritizing our children over our marriage. This may or may not be an unpopular opinion but i’ll stand by what I say your HUSBAND is your FIRST priority not your kids.

I get it, it’s easy to let happen not even on purpose. We were those people, maybe getting in a date once a month if we were lucky. Barley having time to communicate between diaper changes and feedings. Our marriage was “good” but had the potential to be so much more if we actual put forth the effort. Is marriage easy? No. But does it have to be hard? I don’t think so. It’s like anything in life you will reep what you sow. If you want an OK marriage and at the end of the day look up as empty nesters to a complete stranger who’s been your roomate, you do you. As for me and Kev we LOVE being parents but we are SO excited for our future together because of the time and effort we are putting in now.


  1. Find your sitter. Go ahead and set clear expectations when looking for someone this will be THE SAME DAY + SAME TIME EVERY WEEK. Coordinate schedules find the day and time that works for both of you and STICK TO IT.

  2. It doesn’t have to be fancy. Our ideal date night is driving around on the golf cart, smoking cigars and eating Chipotle. All were looking for is time and space to allow you to DATE again.

  3. JUST DO IT. You can make up every excuse in the book but until you commit it won’t happen. I PROMISE you will not regret spending more time together.





Hi, again